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February 2025


Check our latest work, now at BioRxiv BarQC: Quality Control and Preprocessing for SPLiT-Seq Data. A new pipeline for QC and preprocessing SPLiT-Seq data

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December 2024


Maria presented our latest results in the "Jornades de Bioinformàtica i Genòmica" from the Catalan Society of Biology and won the prize to the best talk, congrats, Maria!


September 2024


Carlos defended his PhD thesis in Seville with flying colours! We wish him all the best for his next adventure in Paris


July 2024


More good news to the lab! The project "COLOREON" will be funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and it has a PhD student fellowship associated to it. If interested in phenotipic plasticity, sex determination, evodevo and  Gene Regulatory Networks, more info here

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June 2024


The lab attended the EuroEvoDevo2024 in Helsinki and presented the results of our ongoing projects. Maria, Rafath and Sophie organised and chaired a great symposium on sex determination




April 2024


The lab went out to welcome the spring and the two new publications with our mayflies, Carlos PhD project: Gill regeneration in the mayfly Cloeon uncovers new molecular pathways in insect regeneration

 And our participation in:

Evolution of tissue-specific expression of ancestral genes across vertebrates and insects




March 2024


Iva Verbanac is joining the lab for an internship during her master thesis at Heidelberg, Germany. Here, she will investigate the origin of wings in insects. Welcome, Iva!


February 2024


The beginning of the year comes with some meetings, fellowships and new incorporations to the team: some of us were at "La cristalera", in Madrid as part of the "Conexiones Genoma" CSIC network and the "R2G" network we are part of. Linus started in the lab to pursue his Masters thesis and Sophie got awarded a MSCA fellowship, congratulations, Sophie!

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December 2023


We finish the year with some more exciting news and celebrations: Joan Pallarés joint the lab as bioinformatician to hep us unveiling the secrets of mayflies' genomes, our project to investigate the sensory function of gills got funded by the "Consolidación investigadora" grant and we celebrate our Christmas luch together with the Maeso lab


October 2023


The lab goes to the wild! We have a two- day retreat to launch the ERC project at the Natural Park of Sant LLorenç de Munt. Lots of fun and scientific discussions and one expected (Jordi Solana) and one unexpected guest (Valentina, the fox)


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September 2023


We started the academic year celebrating the MSc thesis defense of Laia, grant applications and experiments running at full speed in the lab


July 2023


Sophie Tandonnet also joins the lab to investigate adaptations to lifestyle transitions. Welcome, Sophie!


May 2023


Two more open positions to join the lab: 1 bioinformatician and 1 PhD student positions to work in our ERC-CoG project



February 2023


Two more people joined the lab. Rafath will investigate the origin of wings in insects and Antoni will help all us with our experimental work and care of the animals


December 2022


We welcome Laia to the lab! She will be working with us as part of her Master thesis



November 2022


Another great collaboration with the Irimia lab. Check the preprint here:



October 2022


Maria has been awarded a Margarita Salas postdoctoral fellowship. With that, she will continue exploring the genes controlling the appearance of new organs together with the Solana team at Oxford Brookes University



June 2022


Do you want to join the team? We have postdoctoral and research assistant positions open to join the lab funded through the mayFLYeye ERC-CoG project



June 2022


The lab has attended the EuroEvoDevo2022 meeting in Naples and we all presented different projects running in the lab... and there was a Seville-Barcelona reunion!



March 2022


The lab has been awarded with an ERC-Consolidator grant.

With  "mayFLYeye"  we will study the genetic basis of morphological novelties that contributed insects' conquest of the skies



February 2022


While Isabel is presenting the last results from the lab at the VIII SESBE meeting in Vigo, María and Tòt are attending to the Developmental Biology Symposium in Barcelona. María won the 2nd prize to the best poster presentation!


November 2021


The lab welcomes Tòt Senar, who is joining the team to pursue his Master thesis. Tòt is investigating the visual capabilities of mayflies


October 2021


The first generation of our mayfly colony has born in our new location in Barcelona. María made the honours assisting in the delivery.


October 2021


María Rosselló joined the lab. She will use her expertise in Bioinformatics and Developmental Biology to address how mayflies adapt to different environments and evolved new organs. Welcome, María!


August 2021


Final version of our collaboration with the Belles lab at IBE-CSIC is now published in PNAS. Check it here

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June 2021


Perfect starting at the University of Barcelona, Isabel is one of Leonardo awardees from the BBVA fundation. With this project, we will investigate the origin of insect wings using our favorite animal, the mayfly Cloeon dipterum.

In addition, our project to investigate the turbanate eyes of mayfly males has been also awarded by the Spanish Research Council.

Exciting times ahead!

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